I really did not know her well enough...I felt. “Well...Is he a Happy Head? “ She pressed me as we sat at the oh so artsy coffee shop on the oh so quaint street in THE VILLAGE while we waited for our three year old daughters to finish their “ballet lesson” at the oh so sweet dance studio down the street.
“Well...he is always game in the morning and really whenever there is a free moment...” I said trying to figure out WHERE this woman was going with these questions because frankly I am not into giving Too Much Information about intimate details.
“I could tell...I could tell he was a happy head because you are so relaxed and easy going.” she said with glee. “My husband is a Happy Head too.”
Of course, now I am thinking that maybe I have stumbled into some sort of mate swapping agreement without even realizing it—this suburban culture is SO tricky to figure out.
I finally had to ask—”What exactly do you mean by Happy Head? “
“Oh you know—fun. Willing to do stuff on the weekends with the kids. You know...there are the Happy Head Husbands and the Whining Asshole Husbands “
“Ooooohhhh!” I said with relief—”definitely Happy Head.” And thus began our long family relationship...because once you are married with a kid it is all about finding other families to hang with. And to find a family to hang with is three or four times more difficult than finding someone to date, because you have to look at ALL the members of the family right down to the dog with the biting habit.